A.I, Data and Software Engineering

Categorydata science

How to Write a Research Question


The research question, if correctly completed, will help you to set out what it is that you want to answer. This can help you make a plan for your research, but might also help you to foresee any potential challenges or problems. This will save you time, energy, and effort. Therefore, it is extremely important for ones who pursuit research careers, such as PhD, Analysts, or R&D. What is a...

Number of Islands solution


In this post, we have a look at using a queue and breath-first search algorithm to solve a Leetcode challenge. The problem is stated as follows. Given an m x n 2D binary grid grid which represents a map of '1's (land) and '0's (water), return the number of islands. An island is surrounded by water and is formed by connecting adjacent lands horizontally or vertically. You may assume all four edges...

SAMPLING Bagging vs Pasting

One way to get a diverse set of classifiers is to use very different training algorithms,as just discussed. Another approach is to use the same training algorithm for everypredictor but to train them on different random subsets of the training set. Whensampling is performed with replacement, this method is called bagging(short for bootstrap aggregating). When sampling is performed without...

squared hinge loss


The squared hinge loss is a loss function used for “maximum margin” binary classification problems. Mathematically it is defined as: where ŷ the predicted value and y is either 1 or -1. Thus, the squared hinge loss is: 0* when the true and predicted labels are the same and* when ŷ≥ 1 (which is an indication that the classifier is sure that it’s the correct label)quadratically increasing with the...

Dealing with missing data


In real-world data, there are some instances where a particular element is absent because of various reasons, such as corrupt data, failure to load the information, or incomplete extraction. Handling the missing values is one of the greatest challenges faced by analysts because making the right decision on how to handle it generates robust data models. Let us look at different ways of imputing...

A.I, Data and Software Engineering

PetaMinds focuses on developing the coolest topics in data science, A.I, and programming, and make them so digestible for everyone to learn and create amazing applications in a short time.
