A.I, Data and Software Engineering


iOS development

Redesign A boring game to an extreme

Boring or fun is quite subjective while talking about gaming. However, by applying proper design principles, we can put most players in an intended experience even for a very simple game. This article will demonstrate some tricks to achieve that. Video tutorial is at the end of the post. What is the game 🤔 It is the number guessing game (guessing genre). Its mechanic is simple. A player will keep...

TYPEALIAS in swift ios

In this article, you will learn about typealias and its use cases in Swift, a programming language developed by Apple. A type alias allows you to provide a new name for an existing data type into your program. After a type alias is declared, the aliased name can be used instead of the existing type throughout the program. Type alias do not create new types. They simply provide a new name to an...

Should we go for swiftui? – ios dev


After Apple unveiled the new UI framework this June earlier 2019, all apple community became thrilled to see it in action and to try SwiftUI app development. Let’s take a closer look at a brand-new framework.  From imperative to declarative UI. What is SwiftUI SwiftUI is a new Swift-based advanced toolkit that is reshaping the way to design and build apps for every device in the Apple...

A really Cool data visualization: 3d globe in 2d space

While generating data in 3d space for manifold learning, I went across a problem of distributing points evenly on a sphere. It is a non-trivial problem but found a good enough solution for such placement. Interestingly, it ends up with a really cool animation effect when I decided to implement it on a mobile app. Figure 1: First animation effect: Rotation The algorithm There are two qualitatively...

A.I, Data and Software Engineering

PetaMinds focuses on developing the coolest topics in data science, A.I, and programming, and make them so digestible for everyone to learn and create amazing applications in a short time.
