Wonder how these kids are doing now? Their answers are brilliantly fun. Some are typical examples of out of box thinking and it is really good for creativity. Imagination is more important than knowledgeAlbert Einstein Image credits: Douglass Image credits: Douglass Source: imgur Source: clivewhite.co.uk Source: funcage.com Source: imgur Source: picslap.com Source: addfunny.com Source: alittle...
Material Design — Custom Alert Dialog
Google did an amazing job to promote material design. However there is not many articles about how to quickly style the custom dialog. So, we will cover some missing stuff here. Prerequisites Add material design dependency in Gradle file: implementation "com.google.android.material:material:<latest-version>" Make sure your AppTheme inherited from a material theme like:...
Ping the pong redev video tutorial
Following up the article “RE-DEV THE FIRST VIDEO GAME PONG WITH SURFACEVIEW AND GAMELOOP”, here is the video tutorial for another version of the Ping game. What is new? Improve the GUIBetter collision handling Challenges The source code for the project is not fully provided but you can always get the code from the video. So want to release your first game on Play/App Store? Watch the...
re-dev the first video game pong with SurfaceView and gameloop
Pong game (prototype) In this article, we recreate the two-player game Pong – the first arcade video game 1972 – for Android using Kotlin. We will implement the game SurfaceView, game loop design pattern, and code optimization for better performance. Game loop Game loop is a common design pattern in game development. It is already integrated into different game engines. Nevertheless...
Basic shapes collision detection without complicated maths
This article demonstrates the collision between square, circle, and points using Android Kotlin. We will focus on the programming aspect rather than using complicated mathematical equations. A video tutorial is at the end of the article. Two rectangle collision Using complicated math for rectangle collision is not always necessary. Java and Kotlin offer a convenient way to detect the collision...