A.I, Data and Software Engineering


Dumping Emails using JavaMail and jsoup

This post demonstrates the ETL process by scraping emails as text files for later processing, such as NPL or other ML models. We use JavaMail API for getting emails and Jsoup to get texts from email body if it is in HTML format. FileUtils This helper class contains a helper method that saves a string to file. public class FileUtils { public static void saveToFile(String file, String content)...

Quick Benchmark Colab CPU GPU TPU (XLA-CPU)

If you ever wonder about the performance differences between CPU, GPU, and TPU for your machine learning project, this article shows a simple benchmark for these three. Memory Subsystem Architecture Central Processing Unit (CPU), Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) are processors with a specialized purpose and architecture. CPU: A processor designed to solve every...

A really Cool data visualization: 3d globe in 2d space

While generating data in 3d space for manifold learning, I went across a problem of distributing points evenly on a sphere. It is a non-trivial problem but found a good enough solution for such placement. Interestingly, it ends up with a really cool animation effect when I decided to implement it on a mobile app. Figure 1: First animation effect: Rotation The algorithm There are two qualitatively...

TF2.0 Warm-up exercises (forked from @chipHuyen Repo)


Heard of Ms @huyen chip for her notable yet controversial travelling books back in the day. I enjoy reading but I am not really into travel memoirs. Nevertheless, she did surprise everyone by her achievements by getting in Stanford, teaching TensorFlow, and then became a computer/data scientist. Her story is definitely very inspiring. For ones who don’t know about Ms Huyen, I added an...

A.I, Data and Software Engineering

PetaMinds focuses on developing the coolest topics in data science, A.I, and programming, and make them so digestible for everyone to learn and create amazing applications in a short time.
