A.I, Data and Software Engineering


Dealing with missing data


In real-world data, there are some instances where a particular element is absent because of various reasons, such as corrupt data, failure to load the information, or incomplete extraction. Handling the missing values is one of the greatest challenges faced by analysts because making the right decision on how to handle it generates robust data models. Let us look at different ways of imputing...

Generate data on the fly – Keras data generator

Previously, we train our model using the pre-generated dataset, for example, in the recommender system or recurrent neural network. In this article, we will demonstrate using a generator to produce data on the fly for training a model. Keras Data Generator with Sequence There are a couple of ways to create a data generator. However, Tensorflow Keras provides a base class to fit dataset as a...

Recurrent neural network – predict monthly milk production

In part 1, we introduced a simple RNN for time-series data. To continue, this article applies a deep version of RNN on a real dataset to predict monthly milk production. The data Monthly milk production: pounds per cow. Jan 1962 – Dec 1975. You can download the data using this link. Download: CSV file The data contains the production of 168 months (14 years). We will use an RNN to predict...

A really Cool data visualization: 3d globe in 2d space

While generating data in 3d space for manifold learning, I went across a problem of distributing points evenly on a sphere. It is a non-trivial problem but found a good enough solution for such placement. Interestingly, it ends up with a really cool animation effect when I decided to implement it on a mobile app. Figure 1: First animation effect: Rotation The algorithm There are two qualitatively...

TF2.0 Warm-up exercises (forked from @chipHuyen Repo)


Heard of Ms @huyen chip for her notable yet controversial travelling books back in the day. I enjoy reading but I am not really into travel memoirs. Nevertheless, she did surprise everyone by her achievements by getting in Stanford, teaching TensorFlow, and then became a computer/data scientist. Her story is definitely very inspiring. For ones who don’t know about Ms Huyen, I added an...

A.I, Data and Software Engineering

PetaMinds focuses on developing the coolest topics in data science, A.I, and programming, and make them so digestible for everyone to learn and create amazing applications in a short time.
