A.I, Data and Software Engineering


Fast uniform negative sampling for rating matrix


Sometimes, we want to reduce the training time by using a subset of a very large dataset while the negative samples outnumbers the positive ones, e.g. word embedding. Another situation when we deal with implicit data. In this case, we may need to populate new data for negative values. This post demonstrates how to generate data for training using uniform negative sampling. The data Originally...

Dimension, Dimension, Dimension – Reshape your data

The most basic yet important thing when working with data array is its dimensions. This article will cover several data shapes and reshaping techniques. Why need reshaping data Imagine that you are starving and suddenly given a piece of delicious food. You may try to put it all in your mouth (Fig 1a) and find out it cannot help your hunger. So, you decided to arrange your food so that it not only...

A.I, Data and Software Engineering

PetaMinds focuses on developing the coolest topics in data science, A.I, and programming, and make them so digestible for everyone to learn and create amazing applications in a short time.
