A.I, Data and Software Engineering


iOS development

How I build automated testing for the payment terminals

Payment terminals are devices used to process card transactions and must undergo extensive certification before being released to the market. Therefore, it is essential to test them quickly and reliably. I named the project as Mastoo (code name: MR2). The MR2 architecture To achieve this, our team are building a solution for automation testing with a combination of robots, cards, a point-of-sale...

Tutorial: Multi-touch gesture for android

Multi-touch gestures are very useful in many common scenarios, such as zooming, panning. For game development, handling multi-touch is essential. This post will give a quick guide for handling multi-touch points. Project structure We create a new project name MultiTouch with Java and add a new class named GameScene as a subclass of android.view.View. The basic GameScene class is as follows...

re-dev the first video game pong with SurfaceView and gameloop

Pong game (prototype) In this article, we recreate the two-player game Pong – the first arcade video game 1972 – for Android using Kotlin. We will implement the game SurfaceView, game loop design pattern, and code optimization for better performance. Game loop Game loop is a common design pattern in game development. It is already integrated into different game engines. Nevertheless...

Touch me if you can (V.0.1)- Hero vs monsters game

Hero VS Monsters This is a (very) simple JAVA implementation of the game “hero vs monsters” as part of the year 1 BSE lab. The implementation is mainly for demonstrating the custom view and touch event. Video tutorial is at the end of the article. The UI it will be a very simple UI with only one view (game view) that extends Android View. In the scene, a hero is trying to kill...

Create a simple YET most addictive apps/games

With simple implementation, no user can escape from this addictive app! They will cry desperately for help! Let do it! The UI Do not spend much time on this. As said, make it as simple as possible. You can use any text, images, for the activity. An activity with only one image! TRICK #01: Disable the back button To let users stick to your app, the first trick is, of course, is… to block...

A.I, Data and Software Engineering

PetaMinds focuses on developing the coolest topics in data science, A.I, and programming, and make them so digestible for everyone to learn and create amazing applications in a short time.
