A.I, Data and Software Engineering


Advanced python: comprehension

In this article, we’ll learn about a Python language construct known as comprehensions for creating a new sequence based on existing one but its syntax is more human-readable than lambda functions. These can be applied to lists, sets, and dictionaries.  REVIEW Lambda and map Lambda is an anonymous function (function without name). Let have a quick look at the following example for...

Advanced python: collections

In part 2, we introduced advanced python knowledge with built-in functions and other useful tools for sequence iteration, data transformation. Advanced python part 3 will continue with collections to manipulate our data. Named tuple Suppose we want to define a data structure to represent a geometric point on a typical x and y-axis. We could easily do this by defining a regular...

Advanced python part 2

In part 1, we introduced advanced string, bytes manipulation in Python. This article covers some advanced python knowledge with built-in functions and other useful tools for sequence iteration, data transformation. Useful built-in functions Use any() to return true if any of the sequence values are trueUse all() to return true only if all values are trueQuickly find the minimum/maximum value in a...

Advanced python: Styling, Boolean, String and bytes

Let get some more advanced python techniques, tools, libraries. Python coding style It is quite common for beginner to skip the coding style and conventions in any programming language. But when you have a chance to revisit your code or others’ code, you will soon recognise how important of following coding conventions. To learn more, you can visit PEP 8 — Style guide for Python code...

Create and distribute your python package

This is a quick guide for create and generate distribution package of your python project so that others can install, import and use in their projects. Prerequisites: You will need the following tools installed in your computer: Python (2.x/3.x)PipAPI key for uploading your package to distribution platform, such as test.pypi.org. After install python, you can install pip by using: curl -o get-pip...

A.I, Data and Software Engineering

PetaMinds focuses on developing the coolest topics in data science, A.I, and programming, and make them so digestible for everyone to learn and create amazing applications in a short time.
